Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My perfectly portioned life and Veggie Frittata

 I was never the "skinny girl" and I still am not. Every minute from the time I was an itty bitty until I graduated from high school I was in my own personal hell. I hated school, I hated the people and most of all I ate my emotions and hated myself. College was completely a 360 from the life I was living. My parents packed me up and drove me to college seven hours away from home, with all the outdoor activities you could ever imagine. Hikes became a daily event, as did running on the beach- rain, shine or snow. I was more active, and it was time to revamp my eating style. I filled up on protein, vegetables and fruit. I wrote everything down that I ate (including mints and gum) and controlled my portions. As a result I dropped over 60 pounds.
So many of you have been asking what I do now to control my portions. Personally whenever I measure breakfast, lunch and dinner with a measuring cup or scale to get my portions I feel like I am on a diet. However let me introduce you to my secret weapons.....

Meet my Kitchen Must Haves!
 { single serving of Pasta Basket}
Cooking for the family? Over eat on pasta? Always make too much? This is the perfect product for you! The pasta basket allows you to cook a single serving of pasta while still allowing you to let everyone else overeat - because we simply cannot change everyone.
A serving of protein is 3 oz. which is equivalent to a deck of cards. I don't know about you, but I don't play cards - I cant eyeball a deck of cards and surely I am not going to pull out a deck of cards to get the idea.  So this protein spatula has become my new BFF.

Do you ever use a measuring cup to scoop out soup, sauce or gravy, and maybe put in a bit more than you should? Guilty here! That's why the Serving Ladle is a kitchen must have it will save you those mindless calories.

More mashed potatoes please! They're definitely my weakness and I could eat a whole pot. I will be honest until I had this Starch Server in my hands I never measured my potatoes. Now I know exactly how much I can have an savor it more- i eat slower and actually enjoy my meal more!

While veggies are not bad for you it is still good to focus on not overeating. You get two scoops of the Vegetable Server for one portion. I have been having steamed broccoli for dinner every night lately. I always measure it with the vegetable server and the amount is perfect and filling!

If you can have a sweet tooth gene I definitely have it. Sweet tooths run in my family - my great grandma, meeme and my mum definitely would rather have dessert instead of dinner or dessert before dinner. However dessert calories add up FAST! One scoop from this cute scooper and I can have a perfectly portioned scoop of ice cream! 

If you are watching what you eat or measure out your food definitely check out the Healthy Steps website for tips, tricks and some fabulous kitchen utensils!

Now here is a vegetable frittata recipe that one of my friends who was training for the Olympics in college shared with me!

Veggie Frittata for one!

• 1 cup of mixed vegetables - anything you want!  My friend always had broccoli, cauliflower, peppers and mushrooms in her freezer so I continue that trend.

• Dash of EVOO
• 1 egg
• 1 egg white
• 1/4 - 1/2 cup of cheese any variety (do not use fat free!!!)

• Shake of pepper & salt


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
 Cut your veggies into bite size pieces(if frozen steam) and pre-heat a non-stick oven safe frying pan add oil and heat until oil is hot. 
When you oil is hot add your veggies. 
Whisk your eggs together with a splash of water. *Note my friend always added a splash of hot sauce
When you veggies are cooked remove from heat and add your whisked eggs, cheese, salt and pepper. 
Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes or until a tooth pick comes out clean! 
*note you can also put this in ramekins and bake the same way just be sure to spray them!

ps here is what I ate yesterday minus snacks


daphne @ flip flops and pearls said...

OKay, whatever!! These are the coolest utensils ev-ah! I am off to shop!

And where do I get that Happy Meal from? Chanel always makes me happy! ha

Miss Independent said...

chanel meets food, a dream came true!

Kristi said...

I have the pasta basket and I love it! I never really knew what one serving of dried pasta was, but now when I was some pasta I can cook just 1 portion at a time. I didn't know they had all those other products though.

Cheryl E. said...

Those utensils are perfect. I am trying to lose weight and those look perfect for me.

Cassie Lee said...

Great post--I feel like my weight loss transformation happened in the same way. I still struggle with overeating veggies though!

safire said...

Only Chanel is capable of making fast food look glamorous :)

Kitchen Belleicious said...

Those are the coolest things in the world. I am off to check out their site now! Thanks girl for the heads up on them and that frittata sounds delicious!

Megan said...

im so impressed! that is so great you made such a lifestyle change and are able to share with us products that help you maintain it. the pasta portioner would be especially useful for me because i seriously cook wayyyy tooo much pasta when i make it and i force myself to eat it all! thanks for sharing!

yummychunklet said...

I've seen those single-serve utensils. Smart idea!

Anne Marie said...

Definitely going over to shop for that pasta contraption. I have SUCH a hard time measuring pasta!

Sharan said...

This was a wonderful post and extremely relatable. I was pretty chubby/fat growing up and I lost about 40 pounds during my second year of college. I am not skinny but I love my curves and I have kept off the weight! I am pretty good about eyeballing my potions but pasta is definitely a weakness. I will probably invest in the single serve pasta basket. As always, thank you for the tips!

Baby Shopaholic said...

Those utentsil are awesome! I suc at portion sizes! Thanks for sharing!

Just Jay said...

I'm so bookmarking the Healthy Steps site! The Ice Cream scoop is exactly what I'm looking for!

Laura said...

I always measure out soups and stuff so for me, that serving ladle is BRILLIANT!!

Chic 'n Cheap Living said...

Those serving spoons are awesome! It is so hard to control portions and those would be so helpful!

We LOVE frittatas in this house though the husband and I usually go through 8-10 egg whites (err is that scary?)

Chic 'n Cheap Living

Jennifurla said...

that product, what a great idea.

Renee @ MyKitchenAdventures said...

those are some really nifty tools there! I have a set of ww measure and serve, and I love them!

Christina @ The Athletarian said...

Those utensils are brilliant!!

Ruth said...

I love those utinsels. I am going to check them out. Thanks got sharing.

Caitlin C. said...

Oh my goodness, I have never heard of/seen these utensils before. They look amazing! Seriously. I want them.

Samantha said...

I want to know where I can get Chanel food.

And those kitchen utensils are really useful!!

I would also love some pizza right now! :o)

Thanks for visiting my blog!


Food Glorious Food! said...

Wow! Perfect utensils... I wish I could have the whole collection!

Jessica said...

i have got to have those serving utensils!!! thanks for sharing, i'd never seen or heard of them before!!

LV said...

Those utensils are awesome! I need those!

KT @ KT's Refinishing School said...

What cool tools--I especially love the pasta strainer since pasta is my biggest weakness :)

Thanks so much for sharing!